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Double Date?

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1Double Date? Empty Double Date? Sat May 28, 2011 7:47 pm



She had to admit, she was alittle nervous, this was her first "date" with him...her first date ever. *I suppose I couldnt have picked a better person to have a first date with* She tried to reason the feeling away; It was Shand, he loved her, she loved him, no doubt about that but why did one word, "date", make her nervous to see him? Was it the fact that she didnt want to make a fool of herself and blow it all? No, that wasnt it..she felt pretty confident in their relationship and doubted one date could ruin it. Then why? The thought hit her just then. Not only was she going on her first date but she was "meeting" his father as well. Now, she had met Dolan before..several times actually but their relationship was that of a brother and sister that could never agree. She didnt dislike him and she didnt think he disliked her, if nothing else she had a great respect and friendly love for the man, but still, she was worried that she'd say something then he'd disagree, throwing the whole date off. Quickly, as she was putting on the necklace she never left the house without, the necklace Shand gave her, she went into her room, grabbed a pen and wrote on the inside of her wrist, "Watch what you say." She figured that would be enough of a warning, she really didnt want to ruin this date for anyone, especially Micaela who was Dolan's date. A smile formed on her face; *A double date..Me and Shand with Micaela and Dolan* She actually found herself laughing out loud and then covered her mouth shocked at herself. She looked around the room quickly to see if anyone had heard...No one was around, they had left her to get ready an hour ago. Sighing, she grabbed her purse and walked downstairs. "Well, how do I look?" She looked around at her people before her. Pharris examined her closely, "Eh, not the dress I would've picked, but it'll do." Locke laughed, "It concerns me that you just said 'the dress I would've picked'." Pharrsi shot him a glare, "You know what I meant." Chantelle walked up to her, "You look great." Samantha smiled and looked around at the others who nodded in approval, or, occasionally, gave a thumbs up. The sound of a throat clearing brought her attention back to Locke, "Alright, you know the rules." She rolled her eyes, "Get back no later than ten, you'd prefer no touching at all but you know how stupid I thought that was so you limited the kissing to no more than three seconds, which you consider gracious on your part, and all leftovers go to you. Yes, I know the rules, father."She smiled at Locke who simply sighed and rolled his eyes, "Listen, I'm not trying to be all fatherly, alright? It's just fo-" "For my safety, I know. Seriously, though? I'm going to be with Micaela,Shand and DOLAN, what could possibly happen?" Everyone laughed except for Locke who crossed his arms infront of his chest and looked at the clock, "They're late." Everyone sighed then Sidra spoke up, "Give them a brake, they dont exactly live close." And, as if it were cued, the doorbell rang. She couldnt help the smile that formed on her face upon hearing the noise. As she went for the door, Locke went ahead of her and beat her to it. There they were, all three of them standing on the from porch, Shand slightly infront of Micaela and Dolan.Locke eyed Shand from head to toe then took in a breath. Slowly, Locke halfway shut the door and turned back to Samantha, "I change my mind about the three seconds, no more than one second." She rolled her eyes, "Locke, please, it's Shand, you know him, dont worry." After he eyed her, she reached around him and yanked open the door all the way to see the trio standing there slightly shocked.

2Double Date? Empty double date 2 ;) Mon May 30, 2011 1:14 pm



Shand cocked his head to the side slightly and looked back at me. "Eh, wrong house?" I rolled my eyes, went to knock again. Before I could though, the door swung open again, this time by Samantha.
"Yeah, I could've sworn you lived here," Shand smiled, bringing a buttercup from around his back with a flourish that made Dolan roll his eyes.
"They're not your favorite, I know, but it felt appropriate," Shand winked. "None of this feels appropriate," Dolan muttered under his breath, and I smacked his stomach playfully.


3Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Mon May 30, 2011 2:51 pm



I took it gratefully; it's ture, they're not my favorite, but I didnt mind, I was just happy to get flowers whenever I could, no matter the type. When I moved my hands back down, I saw my little note to myself..*watch what you say...got it.* I gave a quick, small nod to myself, then looked back at the trio on my porch. Honestly, I'd never seen Shand or Dolan dress even semi-formal before, and I began to wonder why they didnt do it more often, they looked amazing. Then of course, Micaela, who I've said looked amazing every day, looked just as good as ever; she pulled of the semi-formal as well as Dolan and Shand, maybe even slightly better. I smiled at my own thoughts, *how did I end up having amazing people like them as my friends? I certainly have God's favor* I opened my mouth to thank Shand and greet Micaela and Dolan but Locke cleared his throat again. At this point, I couldnt hide my annoyed expression and saw the trio infront of me all gave a slightly amused smile. When I turned around, he looked at me, "I meant what I said, one second and ten o'clock, no later. Argue and I might say no seconds at all and nine o'clock." He glared down at me and that's when I finally learned what it felt like to fear Locke...but it was short lived. I turned around quickly, acting as if I hadnt paid attention or that his glare didnt phase me, "Thank you, Shand, it's really beautiful." I smiled then looked at Micaela, "I'm ready to go when you are."

4Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Tue May 31, 2011 9:49 am



Shand eyed Locke in a way that almost made me laugh out loud, but I held it in for everyone's sake. It was a wary, cautious, "ok, sir, whatever you say, sir" kind of a look that instantly reminded me of the whole Valentine's Day thing. But I kept myself from laughing (it was much funnier now than in had been then) and looked back at Dolan.
"Well we'll be on our way then... and no worries, Locke, we've got the probation officer right here."
Dolan, of course, rolled his eyes, again, as we started down the front steps together and out to the car.


5Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Tue May 31, 2011 10:57 am



I walked after the three down the stairs, quickly glancing back at Locke who watched me with a look of warning. I sighed and looked back at the three in front me as we walked down my sidewalk...*I feel like if I could drive then they wouldnt have had to pick me up* Frowning, I counted down the days until they wouldnt have to go through this touble any more...ten more days...that was if there was a next time. Who knows, this could end well or really bad... I'd just have to see how things play out.

6Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:51 am



We were about to get into the car when Shand spun around, almost smacking Samantha in the face.
"Wait!" His eyes were wide and childlike. "...Where are we going?" Dolan gave the most epic facepalm in the history of facepalms as he stood dangling the keys impatiently.
"Well somewhere to eat would work," I put in quickly.
"I don't know, I've never done one of these things before," Shand shrugged.
"Not surprising," Dolan muttered while shaking his head.
"..You've never been on a date before?" I asked, my head cocked to one side in confusion. "I stinking created you, and I didn't peg you as the type that's never gone on a date before.
"Well I've never lasted that long on anyone before," Shand admitted. "Isn't a date like a commitment thing?" Dolan once again rolled his eyes. "Figures."
"Let's just decide where to go to eat," I suggested as we all climbed into the car, Dolan in the driver's seat, me beside him, and Shand and Samantha in the backseat, under the watchful rear-view mirror surveillance of the 'parole officer'.


7Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:16 am



I smiled amused and slightly annoyed when I looked up at the rear view mirror..Normally, one saw the road when they looked up into it but all I saw were Dolan's eyes..I wasnt stupid, I knew he had tilted it to see the back seat, not the road behind him. Sighing, I looked out the window, trying not to let my brain continue to think about it..if I did, I'd feel paranoid the whole ride.
I waited until Dolan had made it onto the main rode to speak up, "So..Where are we eating?" It was a question they either didnt want to answer, or one they didnt have the answer to...*I sure hope they dont ask me...*

8Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:08 pm



Shand looked over at Samantha with a smirk. "Any good pubs nearby?" At Dolan's discouraging stare, Shand folded his arms. "Well she asked..."
"I think we can rule out any place that looks like Shand could live there for a month," Dolan said firmly, his eyes darting from the road back to the rear view mirror.
"Picnics are nice," Shand said almost to himself.
"Which would have been nice to know ahead of time," Dolan remarked, sighing. "You were always a little off on preparation."
"Spontaneity is the spice of life," I added, glancing over at Dolan, realizing that I might have to play referee instead of enjoying the evening...shame I hadn't thought of bringing Aleric and Fallon along to keep Dolan off Shand's back...


9Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:26 pm



I sighed and looked at Micaela as she glanced back and forth between Shand and Dolan..Perhaps it wasnt the smartest idea to have father and son on the same date, although, it could be quite funny...I wondered about how the two would behave at the resturant..hopeuflly, Micaela wouldnt have to referee them but so much, maybe they could somewhat control themselves. The thought made me smile, even I knew that was a long shot. "I know I pretty much live in the middle of no where, but if you go about twelve miles north, you'll find a shopping strip with quite a few resturants."

10Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:58 am



"SHOPPING?" Shand's eyes lit up and I sighed deeply. "What KIND of shopping? What currency do they take?"
"Ahh, I'd bet the farm on 'money', as in 'dollars', Shand," Dolan glared at him through the mirror. "Of which I'm pretty sure you have none."
"So there's nowhere to change over from, say, gold, or precious jewels, or..." Shand's eyebrows were raised as he trailed off.
"..Not if you don't wanna go to jail, I think," Dolan shook his head and folded his wrists over the steering wheel while sighing... then grinned. "Let's go somewhere with coffee...good coffee, like the Costa Rica imported stuff."
"What do you know about Costa Rican coffee?" I asked, turning to face him.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you... I ordered some online the other day..with your debit card..." He winked. I closed my eyes. It certainly would be a long night.


11Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:42 am



*I doubt any resturant is going to have the coffee he's looking for* I sighed, "Well, all of them should have coffee..but I doubt it'll be as good as the kind you bought online." Quickly, I wondered how much he paid for it..I had bought coffee online once from Costa Rica, not for me, heaven knows how much I hate it, and it was pretty expensive...then again, it didnt really matter to him, he didnt have to pay for it.

12Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:10 pm



"Let's just hit this shopping center Samantha's talking about and we'll decide then, ok?" I put in quickly, hoping that this would appease everyone.
"Ok," Shand said immediately. "Ooh, and I know, how about next time we'll go to the seashore?"
That earned a quizzical rear-view-mirror-look from Dolan. "Umm, Shand, the beach is hours away."
"Well, we'll make it an overnight trip!"
If Dolan hadn't had both his hands on the steering wheel, he would've done another fabulous face-palm. Unfortunately, he was a very competant, no-risk driver.
"That has very different connotations than you're used to, Shand," I said quickly, looking back at Samantha and trying not to laugh. "But maybe one day we'll all take a trip to the beach or something."
"I think Samantha deserves to see me in action," Shand winked over at her.
"If she hasn't seen too much already," Dolan muttered under his breath.


13Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:08 am



I smiled at the conversation especially when I imagined Locke's reaction to an over night stay at the beach...there would really be no point in saying the whole question, all I'd have to say was, "..over night," and I was sure his instant answer would be, "No." There would be no explanation, just a simple, one-word answer, no. Sometimes you'd wonder if Locke really was an assassin with his over protective ways. "Well, now it's more like drive north nine miles then take a left by the log cabin, drive about eight more miles and you're there." Simple directions, I know, but I didnt like intense detailed directions when I was driving, with parental supervision, of course, so I ususally kept my directions simple thinking that others felt the same way..which was true with most people I knew, but others liked details and if Dolan wanted details, he had to ask.

14Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:14 pm



"And if I get us lost, it'll just be a grand adventure," Dolan replied over his shoulder, his voice ironically lacking in any sort of excitement at all. Shand glanced over at Samantha with a wide, coy smile.
"A grand one, he says...a grand one."
We rode in silence for a while. Which I suppose was a good thing, considering everything that we could have been talking(or arguing) about. And, to our great astonishment, Locke only called twice to check and make sure everything was as it should be. We were all very proud of his self-control. Wink


15Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:48 pm



Honestly, a quiet ride wasnt too bad...I, most of the time, enjoy a quiet ride.Most of the ride I stared out the window, watching for the turn, then watching for the shopping area. Sure enough, after a few minutes, there it was...it was more packed than usual but still pretty empty considering where the place is located. "Well, that's it." I decided that was a safe sentence to break the hanging silence.

16Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:45 pm



A horrified look took over Shand's face. "'That's it'? What do you mean, that's it?... we just started! like just now!...this dating this is waaaaay overrated..."
Dolan rolled his eyes as he pulled into the parking lot. "I think she meant that THIS is IT."
How Shand always understood Dolan when he took that tone with him, I'll never know. But at least something worked.
"Ohhhhhhhhh," Shand grinned. I was tempted to roll my eyes as well, but saved that luxury for the eye-roll master.


17Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:48 am



We stayed in the car for a few more minutes before we finally got out...if I was going to be completely honest, I didnt know what resturants were here because I'd never eaten here before, just came here with my mom a few times to look around. *Usually places like this have a map of the stores* I looked around and saw it and walked up to it, "You three can pick where to eat, it doesnt really matter to me."

18Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:51 am



"Just pick the first one you see," Dolan muttered, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I resisted the immature urge to ruffle his hair and looked at the map instead.
"Yeah, I already gave my input," Shand chanced a glance over at Dolan. "Which was systematically shot down like a rickety rowboat, so... this one's up to you guys."
"I'm with Dolan, the closest place is alright with me," I said.


19Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:12 pm



I shrugged, "Sounds good to me." I turned back to the map and pointed, "Looks like we're going here."

(what kind of food do you want?)

20Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:54 pm



(haha, you know, itd be funny to do chinese cuz dolan and shand would be totally lost Wink i also have a few quotes that go with chinese food....so i suppose i vouch for that x) )


21Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:24 pm



"Looks like a chinese reasturant." I turned and looked back at the three while my finger still pointed to it on the map, "Honestly, I'm actually happy that's what it turned out to be." I smiled excitedly..Chinese is my favorite food. Wink

22Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:39 am



Shand wrinkled his nose and looked at Dolan with a half-grimace half-plea behind Samantha's back.
"Chinese? Is that all the slimey noodle things?" He mouthed.
"You've ingested far worse, im sure of it," Dolan whispered softly and clapped Shand on the back, smiling at the idea of how great it was going to be to see Shand try to get through this meal gracefully.
"So on we go then!" I motioned to the others to follow me as I headed in the direction of the restaurant.


23Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:19 am



I smiled and did a quick run to catch up to Micaela then stopped about a foot behind her to walk again. I looked back at the other two as they walked behind us..Dolan looked as if he had been smiling before about something and Shand..well, he didnt look exactly thrilled. I turned around and tried to match my walk with Micaela's; I was feeling extremely childlike and school girlish but I was enjoying myself so I didnt really care about how stupid and imature I must have looked. It took a few seconds before I got my right foot to touch the ground when her's did and from then on it was easy, just keep walking in that beat.

24Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:40 pm



As we neared the restaurant, Dolan walked in front of us and opened the door. *the gentlemanly side was a nice touch* I told myself. We were seated pretty quickly, Shand slid into the booth next to Samantha and Dolan next to me... of course Wink. Shand opened the menu hesitantly, as if maybe some giant monster would pop out of it. As we all began to study the menu, I felt a slight kick at my leg. I looked up confusedly to see that Shand was staring at me with an overly worried look on his face, holding the menu up like a barrier between him and Samantha.
"I'm a pirate, not a cannibal," he mouthed to me as he pointed to a specific item on the menu. "Is it legal to be a cannibal here? Cuz where I come from it's slightly frowned upon-"
"What are you talking about?" I asked, becoming amused. He jabbed his finger at a line that read 'hunan pork.'
"And furthermore, pork is pig. I don't know if they're doing some sort of sick cross-breeding nowadays, but I feel like someone should alert the oweners of this fine establishment that-"
"HUNAN pork, Shand, not HUMAN pork," I fought to keep from laughing. "It's a specific way they make it."
Shand only nodded slowly as he began to realize his error and looked straight back down at the menu as I shook my head and tried to remain solemn as I thought about what to order.


25Double Date? Empty Re: Double Date? Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:13 am



I gave the menu a quick glance before looking around at our group. Dolan stared at the menu almost as if he was bored..I wondered if he had found something he wanted already. Micaela Was staring at her menu as well but it actually looked like she was reading it trying to find something. I had to turn my head alittle to look at Shand..he looked deep in some worried thought as he read his menu. I gave a slight shrug and looked back down at mine, not sure exactly what I wanted or if I could eat the giant servings that Chinese resturants liked to serve.

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